Thursday, July 19, 2007

As they say in the yearbooks: "Always Remember"

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so for this final post, I’m going to try to be less wordy and more picturey. So, like a student signing a yearbook, I’ll say “never forget” the things that the pictures below can remind us of:

For Picture 1. The joy of learning (as we did on our guided tour of the gardens). I was really impressed by the fact that the resort grew so much of its own food organically and sustainably and I loved learning about it all from Heidie (I’m not too sure on that spelling and Chrissy)

For Picture 2. How cool some animals are. How can you not love a rhinoceros iguana?

For Picture 3. The kids. For educators, we were didn’t spend a whole lot of time with kids down there, but it’s always great to see them.

For Picture 4. How ridiculously nice-looking the resort was.

For Picture 5. The beach! A terrific site to do an experiment, and not a bad place to just play around or lounge.

For Picture 6. What a nice treat it was to get some actual Dominican food while we were in the Dominican Republic.
For Pictures 7 and 8. Discovery!

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